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Charles Ii : Roi de Navarre, Comte d'�vreux et la Normandie Au Xive Si�cle by Meyer, Edmond ISBN: 9781018457659 List Price: $29.95
Charles Ii : Roi de Navarre, Comte d'�vreux et la Normandie Au Xive Si�cle by Meyer, Edmond ISBN: 9781018462561 List Price: $19.95
Unity in Nature : An Analogy Between Music and Life by Stromeyer, Johann Philip Ed... ISBN: 9781018498850 List Price: $25.95
Unity in Nature : An Analogy Between Music and Life by Stromeyer, Johann Philip Ed... ISBN: 9781018494258 List Price: $35.95
Papaut� et les Zouaves Pontificaux : Quelques Pages D'histoire by Rouleau, Charles Edmond 184... ISBN: 9781018588018 List Price: $28.95
Papaut� et les Zouaves Pontificaux : Quelques Pages D'histoire by Rouleau, Charles Edmond 184... ISBN: 9781018592442 List Price: $18.95
Mis�rables... by Hugo, Victor, Brion, Gustav... ISBN: 9781018670249 List Price: $39.95
Works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knt. , Late President of the Royal Academy : Containing His Di... by Reynolds, Joshua, Malone, E... ISBN: 9781015331259 List Price: $21.95
Journal of the Senate of Michigan Sitting As a Court of Impeachment for the Trial of Charles... by Edmonds, Charles A. Dft, Sl... ISBN: 9781015356597 List Price: $18.95
Dictionnaire Historique et G�n�alogique des Familles du Poitou; Volume 3 by Beauchet-Filleau, Eug�ne He... ISBN: 9781016133074 List Price: $39.95
Charles Demailly by Goncourt, Edmond De ISBN: 9781016314237 List Price: $29.95
Charles Demailly by Goncourt, Edmond De ISBN: 9781016319751 List Price: $19.95
Origine des Esp�ces : Edition Collector - Charles Darwin by Barbier, Edmond, Darwin, Ch... ISBN: 9798414289708
Dramatic Works of William Shakespeare : Timon of Athens. Coriolanus. Julius C�sar. Antony an... by Singer, Samuel Weller, Malo... ISBN: 9781376604931 List Price: $21.95
Princesse Lointaine (the Princess Far-Away) : A Play in Four Acts, in Verse by Rostand, Edmond, Renauld, C... ISBN: 9781377394060 List Price: $12.95
Conspiracy of the Norman Barons Against William the Bastard, Duke of Normandy, MXLVII by Cointe, Charles Edmond Prud... ISBN: 9781377327686 List Price: $9.95
Dictionnaire Historique et G�n�alogique des Familles du Poitou; Volume 3 by Beauchet-Filleau, Eug�ne He... ISBN: 9781016145428 List Price: $29.95
Oeuvres Compl�tes du Trouv�re Adam de la Halle : Po�sies et Musique by Adam, De Coussemaker, Charl... ISBN: 9781016262682 List Price: $33.95
Oeuvres Compl�tes du Trouv�re Adam de la Halle : Po�sies et Musique by Adam, De Coussemaker, Charl... ISBN: 9781016272261 List Price: $23.95
Drames Liturgiques du Moyen �ge (Texte et Musique) by De Coussemaker, Charles Edm... ISBN: 9781017110234 List Price: $30.95
Drames Liturgiques du Moyen �ge (Texte et Musique) by De Coussemaker, Charles Edm... ISBN: 9781017115840 List Price: $20.95
Coming of the Great Queen : A Narrative of the Acquisition of Burma by Browne, Edmond Charles ISBN: 9781017299991 List Price: $33.95
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